All Pacific Gravity news.

PG Club Meeting Sept. 15

Hey PG’ers. it’s that time of the month again!
The club will meet at 7:30 PM a behind Culver City Home Brew Supply.

This month the styles are English Brown (Cat. 10) and English and Scottish Strong Ales (Cat. 11).
Please welcome our latest style hosts, Kyle and Lindsay Suta, who will be leading the commercial beer tasting following announcements.

In addition to the monthly style tasting, there will be a BHCP Club Only Competition judging. The style is Specialty Beers (Cat. 23). The style includes any beer which does not fit into any other category. Examples are ice beers, use of unusual fermentables or adjuncts, such as molasses, agave, or honey, oats, buckwheat, potatoes, Imperial or low gravity beers which do not fit anywhere else (got an Imperial Mild, or Belgian Table Beer?). Overhopped, underhopped, historical, or experimental beers also fit into the category. See the BJCP style guidelines for details. Bring a few bottles and see if your “failed experiment” is good enough to go to the COC in BJCP Land.

Third Thursday comes as early in the month as it possibly can, so don’t forget to come on 9/15, NOT 9/22.

One other note, if you think you may be up to the task of hosting a monthly style please see one of the Club Offficers, or send an E-mail to me, Veep Reed Wilson, or our Activities Directors, Audrey Hill-Lindsay or Mimi Bardet and let us know of your interest.

President’s Message

By now, the PG Summer Party has ended, Dean’s house has been cleansed of our presence, and we’re on to other events. I’d like to thank Dean, his gracious wife, Chiara, and the Dynamic Duo of Laura and Peter Sussman, for once again allowing us to throw our summer shindig at their house. Dean and the family are now off to Italy for the next year, where Dean intends to single handedly fix what’s wrong with their government, eliminate the last vestiges of the Mafia, and ride in the Giro d’Italia next year. We all wish them well while on the Sussman Family Adventure, and hope they stay long enough for at least some of us to fly over and freeload off of them.

It’s mid-summer, and the dog days are back in some parts of the country, but not on the West Side, home of Pacific Gravity. The weather is perfect for brewing those beers in time for the Pacific Brewers Cup and the Holidays. How about a Double IPA, and a Second Runnings Pale Ale? More bang for your buck, and you may win a ribbon on September 24th.

The Summer Party was a grand success, and August is packed with beer related club events. First Friday will be at Brewster’s Pool Bar at the Sheraton 4 Points. Mead Day is coming up, hosted by Dan Hakes, and the Annual Chili Cookoff and Club Brew is on August 27th.

Of course, we have our August Club Meeting at CCHBS on the 18th. Styles are Fruit Beers, Ciders/Perries and Meads. If you don’t have any of those libations to bring, then bring something else you’d like to share. For details on any of the above events, please consult the Club Calendar, as well as the Activities, and Competitions Corner articles.

On another note, a few smart PG members have reminded me to mention that we will be holding our Club Elections in November.

We need nominees for the following positions, President, Vice President, and Treasurer. I will not be running for President next year because I will be retiring from the workforce, selling my house, and taking off for parts unknown in the land cruiser. In order to not leave the club in a lurch, it is better if I don’t continue serving the club as an officer. From my experience working with many of you, I know that we have many members who are more than capable of becoming club officers. Infusion of new blood into the management ranks is good for the club, and keeps the club moving forward. Please consider stepping up to the plate, and joining the ranks of those of us who have served Pacific Gravity for the last 16 years. If you have questions do not hesitate to contact me, Reed, Craig, Carl, Audrey, Mimi, or any of the other Board members.

photo credit: Luis Di Stefano

THIS WEEKEND IS OUR 2011 PG SUMMER PARTY – Saturday July 16th!

Please join us for some fun at our annual Pacific Gravity Summer party on Saturday July 16th. Our theme this year will be Mediterranean/Middle Eastern in honor of our host Dean & his family’s move to Italy in August. Club members should have also received an evite, so check your email for that as well!

LOCATION: Dean Sussman’s house, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

TIME: 2pm until 10pm…please be responsible and have a designated driver or call a cab.

ADMISSION: Free for all PG members (if your dues are paid up) plus one guest. Kids are free, but there is a fee of $20 for each additional guest.

Please let us know if you can VOLUNTEER…see previous articles, emails or evite for more details. The success of the party depends on YOU.

Please BRING FOOD & BEER & other beverages to share. Please note that there will not be fridge space available, so plan to keep them cold in a cooler or bring dishes that can sustain the shade for a while. If you plan to bring a keg or any other beverage, please email Carl with the details on your beverage at

SUPPLIES: We are still in need of a few supplies to make this party a success, so if you are able to lend any of the following items, it would be much appreciated: GRILLING UTENSILS, BBQs, and a PA system. Also, EZ ups, tables & jockey boxes.

If you haven’t already done so, please RSVP. Please indicate how many in your party. Contact: (Mimi & Audrey)

And don’t forget…
– To bring chairs and blankets, but please share the ground space with your fellow guests.
– Jackets & sweaters for the evening are recommended.
– Dean has a swimming pool and welcomes his guests to use the pool. Kids MUST be supervised by adults at all times while in & around the pool. Please bring your own bathing suits, towels & sunscreen.
– Raffle money! As always, there will be a Club Raffle and Door Prizes! Raffle tickets will be sold at the front gate prior to the raffle for just $1

Directions & Alternate Routes due to 405 freeway closure:
The 405 freeway will be CLOSED the weekend of July 15-17 between the 101 and the 10 freeways. Please check news sources for further details and please allow extra travel time… at least an extra 20-30 minutes.

Suggested alternate routes:
From the south:
Try Bundy Dr, Barrington Ave and/or 26th St-Allenford Ave to get to Sunset Blvd.

From the north:
Try the canyon roads: Laurel Canyon, Coldwater Canyon and Beverly Glen to get to Sunset Blvd.
PCH is another north-south alternate.

Looking forward to a wonderful Summer Party! See you on Saturday!

How do I do a high gravity mash?

Answer: There are several techniques that can be used, depending on the approach you want to use and the equipment you have available.  These include the no-sparge method, the long boil method and the parti-gyle method.  Today I’ll describe another method which goes by the name of double brew method by Randy Mosher, or the reiterated mash method as described by Chris Colby of BYO.  The double brew method has the advantage Read more

President’s Message

It’s nearly 2011, and I thought it would be a good idea to present a short overview of what Pacific Gravity members can expect for the coming year.

First, thanks to our 2010 Co-Presidents, Nathalie Balandran-Caldwell and Peigi Robinson for leading us in 2010. They were PG’s first co-presidents, and the first women to step up to the plate and lead the club. My thanks go out to them for all their hard work.

To start off with, we have some major events coming up early in the year.

January will be a planning month, and we will get the ball rolling on the rest of the year. Your new board includes yours truly, Reed Wilson-Vice President, and Audrey Hill-Lindsay and Mimi Bardet assuming the Activities Directors chores.

To start off with, our Anniversary Club Brew will be another Tustin Brewing Monster Brew event. The date has been set, February 26. The recipe has not yet been formulated but will be made available, along with doctoring suggestions, at least one week prior to the event.

March will include our first road trip of the year. We have not yet locked in the destinations, but at the top of the list is an Orange County trip. It will take place the 3rd or 4th Saturday of the month.

April 29-May 1 is the Southern California Homebrew Festival, held again at Lake Casitas. We should also organize another club brew in May, in order to brew some of those beers for the AHA, competitions, and Summer Party.

June 16-19 is the AHA Conference, held in San Diego. PG plans on having a big turnout for this one, and we’ll be serving beers in the Hospitality Suite, as well as taking part in Club Night.

Depending on Dean Sussman’s schedule, we will have our Summer Party in either July or August. The date will probably be decided by mid June.

In September (date TBD) Pacific Gravity will be hosting the Pacific Brewer’s Cup. We will need a great deal of help from the membership in order to make this event successful. Available positions are Competition Coordinator, Sales, Judge Coordinator, Chief Steward, as well as judges, stewards, and worker bees.

December will bring us back to the Holiday Party, and year’s end.

As usual, we will have our monthly meetings at Culver City Home Brew Supply, the third Thursday of every month, First Fridays, Chili cookoff, and at least one other club brew and road trip.

Finally, I’d like you to offer the club any help you can during the year. The Board, along with assistance always offered by some longtime members, cannot accomplish all the work of our club. Help and expertise is always needed. We have many talented artists, techies, and writers in our club, and I’d appreciate it if those members would let the Board know how they can help us during the upcoming year.

Further information on all of the above will be published in the Club Calendar, and in forthcoming articles. If you have event suggestions, wish to volunteer, or just have questions, please contact me or any of the Board members.

Now, let’s hoist one and toast Pacific Gravity!


Michael Steinberg

President, Pacific Gravity Homebrew Club

Documentary being shot at club meeting tonight

Hey everyone! Tonight we are going to have a film maker from USC shooting some footage for a documentary on homebrewing. She will mostly be shooting our meeting and possibly doing some short interviews. If you do not wish to be on camera please let myself or Peigi know and we will make sure that you are not included in the footage. Thanks and see you all tonight!

Summer Party Pics!

Thanks to Luis for capturing some great images from the party, view them here!

PG Summer Party Needs Your Help!

This year’s summer party will celebrate the 15th Anniversary of Pacific Gravity and we’re ready to party like it’s 1995!!

The party is next Saturday, August 14, 2010 at Dean Sussman’s party pad located at 1310 Amalfi Dr. Pacific Palisades CA 90272.  The party starts at 2 PM and continues on into the evening.

We still need volunteers to help make this party a huge success! How can you help? Here’s a list of ways:

We need your help setting up tables, beers, tiki torches, and decorations on Friday night at 6pm. Then, we need your help taking it all back down Sunday morning. As always, those generous enough to help set up and clean up will enjoy delicious beers and those who clean up on Sunday morning will enjoy more delicious leftovers than theycan shake a stick at and plenty of “hair of the dog” to help get them going! To sign up for clean up or set up please e-mail


Ian is our masterchef and he needs your help preparing food for everyone. To volunteer, please e-mail  As always, this event is a potluck and we’d like to encourage you to bring dishes that fit with the theme including appetizers, desserts, and side dishes.  Last year many of you brought dishes that the party a huge success!  We hope you can repeat that effort again this year!   So far we are very light on food sign up from the members.  To sign up to bring food, email

The food this year is going to be a delicious SoCal Taco Bar theme and there will be a salsa bar with one talented salsa chef winning 1st place for best salsa or guacamole.  We want to put name labels on your salsas so if you want to sign up to bring a salsa (or guacamole) please e-mail Ian Fraser at

After all, isn’t that what our club is all about!? Our drink competition this year features lime, any drink alcohol, non-alcoholic, beer, or soda that features lime is eligible for our drink competition. Of course, all beers are welcome and we encourage you to drop off your keg at CCHBS by 5pm on Friday so they can be taken to the party. Please let Michael Steinberg know that you’ll be providing a beverage so that he can create a label for your drink. Email Michael at

If you made a jockey box at our jockey box event or have a jockey box, please bring it so we can keep all these delicious beverages nice and cold!!

Of course, be sure to have your name on any equipment that you bring to the party.

Wanna spend some quality time with the new and improved CDS? Volunteer for a one hour shift pouring beers for your fellow revelers by e-mailing Michael Steinberg at

The shave ice machine is always a big hit at the party. Sign up for a one hour shift running the machine and pouring Dan’s delicious flavored meads. It’s a great chance to take a break in the shade and work on perfecting your sno cone flavor combos! Email Nathalie Caldwell at

Sign up for a one hour shift working at the front gate checking in members, collecting entrance fees, and selling raffle tickets. Email Craig Corley at

We need tables and canopies. Please contact Michael Steinberg at if you’re able to bring a table or canopy to the party.

We look forward to seeing you at party and thanks in advance for your generous volunteering!!

Party on, Pacific Gravity!

2010 Pacific Gravity Summer Party

Party like a 15 year old!

By Ian Fraser

This year’s summer party will celebrate Pacific Gravity’s 15 years in existence!  To that end we are going old school!  The retro theme is a throwback to our earliest summer parties of old but updated to celebrate our anniversary!

But first the business, the summer party will be held August 14, 2010 at Dean Sussman’s party pad located at 1310 Amalfi Dr. Pacific Palisades CA 90272.  The party starts at 2 PM and continues on into the evening.  Admission is free for you and 1 guest if you are a club member and $15 for each additional guest.  Kids are free.  Dean has a swimming pool and welcomes his guests to use it but all children must be supervised by an adult while in the pool.

This is our largest event of the year and we need your help to pull it off!  As always this event is run by you volunteers and those of you who have helped in years past know how critical that is!  Set up this year will take place on Friday Aug. 13 starting at 6 PM, the after party clean up will take place Sunday morning about 10 AM.  Those of you who have done this before know how much fun we have at the set up, and last year everyone on the Sunday clean up crew wound up taking food home.  We will be sending out additional information regarding what to bring, equipment needs and volunteer information.

The food theme will be a throwback to PG’s early days and feature carne asada.  However I gotta be me and blow it up, so we will have carne asada, pollo asado, and smoked turkey in mole sauce, fresh grilled fish, smoked tongue and even carnitas as our proteins featured in the largest taco bar I have ever attempted.  For you volunteer cooks out there any and all side dishes are welcome!  We will need lots of sides, salads, and desserts to round out our menu.  But given the main dish theme what I would really like to do is encourage everybody to make a salsa or guacamole and we will feature all of them on a table and even try to label yours so that everybody will know who brought what!  I am trying to arrange a judging and we will acknowledge the crowds favorite salsa!  So I herby throw down the challenge, bring your salsa or guacamole and try to beat me out as our very first salsa/guac. winner!

Our drink competition this year features lime, any drink alcohol, non-alcoholic, beer or soda that features lime is eligible for our drink competition, so get your creative juices flowing and create something!  As always we will have a best beer competition as well as the drink competition plus the salsa competition, so there are many ways to win this year.

If you plan on bringing a soda or beer please let us know so that we can have a label made for you by contacting Mike at, if you plan on bring any food items or a salsa guacamole please contact me at  Stay tuned for more information as we get the details ironed out we will be forwarding them to you.

The Stuffed Sandwich road trip Sat 7/24

Hey everyone! The OC road trip is being rescheduled but instead on Saturday July 24 we will be heading to The Stuffed Sandwich in San Gabriel. For those who are not familiar with The Stuffed Sandwich it is run by 2 fellow beer lovers, Sam and Marlene, who pride themselves on fantastic food and a selection of 100’s of beer from 40 different countries! The bus will leave from the Culver city homebrew supply at 12 pm and will return at 5 pm. The cost will be $15 per person and you are welcome to bring some beer loving friends to join in on the fun. If you are interested please email by Sunday July 11th so we can get a head count. For more information on The Stuffed Sandwich check out their website.