Honest Abe Cider, fill out survey for cider!!

Hi PG members,

Not sure if you all remember something months ago we posted a survey to see who would what to buy cider from Honest Abe Cider. Well things have been delayed quite a while, but it is back on!! Please Re-fill out the survey below in the message from Strand Brewers Club President Bob Willson. If you filled it out before or if you want to buy Cider form Honest Abe you must fill out this quick survey for how much you want to purchase. Then on Oct. 8th Honest Abe will host a collection day for Cider. No purchase necessary at this time to fill out the survey, all purchase will be later probably on the day of collection. Price of purchase will be based on how many want cider, but no more then $30-40 per 5 gallons of fresh quality Cider!

Please read below:

Hi folks!
You may recall we’ve wanted to do a cider collaboration/competition with Honest Abe for a while now. It’s finally happening! The cider pickup will be on October 8th at the cidery (address below). What I need from y’all asap is to update your cider commitment using the survey below. I know; you’ve already filled out this survey, but things change and I want to make sure we have an up-to-date estimate of cider.

Bob Wilson, President
Strand Brewers Club


Honest Abe Address:
17800 S Main St #105, Gardena, CA 90248

Volunteers needed!!! for a fun event with PG’s favorite charity: OPCC. (Wednesday, October 5th)

We need to get a firm list of volunteers by this coming FRIDAY, September 23rd.

Friends and family are welcome to volunteer too!
Please contact Mimi at
mbardet@verizon.net ASAP to volunteer for this event. (Or contact Kate Berman directly at KBerman@OPCC.NET— she is the Sr. Officer of Volunteer Relationships.)

See details below for this PG volunteer opportunity:

Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Event: 6pm – 9 pm (volunteers needed at 4pm!!!)

Location: The Mark for Events
9320 W. Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90035
(in the Pico/Robertson area)

The evening will celebrate the successful merger of OPCC & Lamp Community whose vital work focuses on rebuilding the lives of our most vulnerable neighbors in our community.

As well it is a great night of fund raising for the merged organizations. Check out more here on these links: OPCC.NET or Lamp Community and the 6th Annual Fall Fair.

Volunteer info:

·      20 volunteers needed to help at event from 4pm to 9-9:30pm

·      Volunteer duties at event will include:

*   Helping with art gallery pieces for sale (give info)

*   Helping with both Silent and Live Auction

*   Registration

*   Help with whatever else is needed

·      Dinner is included for volunteers. (note: there will be downtime during dinner service)

·      Attire for Volunteers is Business/Business Casual (i.e. slacks & button down shirt)

·      More detailed info will be emailed directly to volunteers from OPCC.

Thank you, and I hope as many of you can come out and volunteer for this great charity and organization that have asked us to help!


September’s club meeting @ Smog City Brewery!!!

This Thursday, September 15th at 7:30pm our Club Meeting will be held at Smog City Brewery!!!

1901 Del Amo Blvd., Ste B,
Torrance, CA 90501

Parking instructions and beer:
click here for taproom parking and beers on tap!

We will have a special section in the brewery for Pacific Gravity member to hang out and do everything we normally do at our club meeting. So Yes, bring your homebrew!! This months Style of the month is IPA’s, bring your homebrewed IPA’s for a chance to win a Smog City Gift Certificate with the best homebrewed IPA beer of the night vote. We will also have a commercial tasting of IPA’s hosted by Reuben S., plus all the offerings at Smog City will be available in the tap room, which we can head over to purchase as well and grab growler fills too.

You never know, there could be something special from Porter as well at the meeting. Like in the Raffle, there will be some Smog City raffle prices like a Smog City Growler and growler fill. Plus we plan on having Smog City beers and other great prizes in the raffle.

Think you won’t have time for Dinner? No worries, we are planning on doing some Grilling and a few of the Board Members are planning on whipping up some special toppings. We will be using the grill at Smog City and we are thinking of doing a bunch of great Sausages with all the fixings, plus some optional sides and alternatives. We will put out the donation bucket for the food that night, give what you can, but the suggested donation price is $5 cause we are blowing our food budget! Also feel free to bring other food or sides if you feel so inclined?

So Remember, what to bring: Homebrew, IPA’s, Smog City Grolwer’s if you want to fill them at the brewery, Money for the Raffle and Dinner, your appetite and a thirst for some great beers!!
Plus Michael Patterson should be on hand with more Off Flavor Demonstration’s and we will have some limited PG merch for sale too.

Also Please use: Uber, Lift , or the cabs to get and/or leave the brewery in a safe way. Please be responsible and carpool if you can!

Cant wait to see you all there, this will be one amazingly fun club meeting thanks to Porter and everyone at Smog City!



Help pass legislation AB 2172, so homebrewers can congregate at Craft Beer Licensed Establishments!!!

We’re supporting an effort by the California Homebrewers Association to pass legislation on behalf of CA homebrewers.
American Homebrewers Association
Urge Governor Brown to Sign AB 2172
Legislation Would Permit Homebrew Clubs to Meet, Hold Competitions and Share Their Beer Amongst Themselves at Licensed Establishments

The American Homebrewers Association is supporting an effort led by the California Homebrewers Association to pass legislation on behalf of California’s homebrewers.

Your action is needed now to ensure Governor Brown signs AB 2172, sponsored by Assemblyman Brian Jones of Santee, into law. If enacted, this bill will permit homebrew clubs to meet, hold competitions and share their beer amongst themselves at licensed establishments such as brewpubs, tasting rooms and restaurants.

On August 24, AB 2172 passed a final vote by Assembly, sending it to the Governor’s desk.

How Can You Help?

This is our last big push to ensure this bill is signed into law.

You may use this sample letter from the California Homebrewers Association to customize your own letter of support. It is important to be polite and respectful in your message. Please remember that this is a bipartisan issue and anything that we send is a reflection on all California homebrewers and our wonderful hobby.

Letter Address:

Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

While letters are more effective, an online form is available as an alternative means of contacting the Governor. Be sure to select AB 2172 as the chosen subject.

Thank you for your support of homebrewers. Your action could make the difference in whether or not this legislation becomes law.


Gary Glass
American Homebrewers Association

September First Friday @ Monkish Brewing Company

Hey PG!

A quick reminder that THIS FRIDAY September 2nd is our First Friday at Monkish Brewing Company in Torrance. A fan of Belgian inspired beers myself, I’ve been looking forward to this one as our “fresh Belgian” beer event for 2016. The owner Henry is super hospitable and the beer is delicious and priced right.

Bring a sub or a pizza and get ready to tip back some easy drinking ales with us. I hear it’s member Eli’s birthday, so we’ll be celebrating with a little more effort on his behalf. 🙂

By the way, I had a really good time at our August club meeting on the 18th. Andrew’s commercial sour beer tasting was off the hook and the quality of home brewed sours that made it out was exciting. Thanks again to Culver City Homebrew Supply for hosting us and for the special discounts.

Finally one last bit personally. Thanks to club members Ian, Tim, Mimi and Luis for attending my “Cheese, Cheers and Beers” event at Surfas this past Saturday. Having some familiar faces in the crowd made things way more fun, it was great.

Anyway, Tania and I will be arriving at Monkish right around 7pm this Friday. Hope to see you all there!


2sep7:00 pmFirst Friday - Monkish Brewing Company7:00 pm Monkish Brewing Company


Competition Corner – September 2016

PacCupLogo2016September is on our doorstep and it is time to get your entries for the next two big competitions. First up is Pacific Brewers Cup.  This year, the prestigious event is being hosted by Long Beach Homebrewers.  Entries are due by noon this Saturday, Sept 3rd.  Registration is up and running at http://www.longbeachhomebrewers.com/comp/.  Entries can be dropped off at the Culver City or Eagle Rock homebrew shops.  The competition uses the 2015 BJCP style guidelines.  The Best of Show winner will brew a commercial sized batch of a version of their beer at Brouwerij West, in consultation with the brewer. Speaking of which, we also need your help with stewarding or judging.  Judging day is on Saturday, September 24th, 8AM at Brouwerij West, 110 E. 22nd St., Warehouse No. 9, San Pedro, CA 90731.  Because this is a working taproom, we are only having a morning session of judging. We are asking all judges to arrive by 8:00 am, so we can start on time. There will be coffee and food before the judging, and lunch after. All judges and stewards will receive a t-shirt.  Also, because we are only having a morning session, pre-judging will be necessary. If you are able to judge Sept 17 or 18, please let us know.

Coming right on the heels of Pacific Brewers Cup is the California State Homebrew Competition.  This is one of the three competition used by Anchor Brewing to select the California Homebrewer Club of the Year, so make sure you hold a few entries aside to take our club to glory!  Registration is already open from now until Sept 23rd at http://castate.brewcompetition.com/ .  Entries need to make it up to More Beer in Concord, CA between the 23rd and October 1st.  Check back later for info on a possible local drop-off.

If you are hard-core competition junkie, there are a bazillion other contests to enter.  The AHA has their master list at http://www.homebrewersassociation.org/competitions/aha-bjcp-sanctioned-competition/.

2016 Pacific Gravity Brewer of the Year Competition Schedule

September 3rd   Pacific Brewers Cup Registration

September 24th Pacific Brewers Cup Judging

September 24th  California State Homebrew Competition Registration

Thursday: August Club Meeting @ CCHBS

Hey PG!

Time flies when you’re having fun doesn’t it? It seems like the summer party was just yesterday and along comes the August club meeting already!  🙂

Culver City Home Brewing Supply has again agreed to host us for this month’s meeting this Thursday the 18th at 7:30pm. CCHBS has been super supportive of us over the years, so plan a project brew and give-back by buying supplies on the night of the meeting. I will be, for sure.

Style of the month is Sours and I’m really looking forward to Andrew W’s flight of commercial sours; he absolutely owned this category last year. I’m bringing a home made Berliner Weisse to enter into the Best of Meeting competition, as usual there is a $25 CCHBS gift certificate for the winner. Knowing this group, it should be a unique mix of beers and we’ll have some food and a live band (just kidding CCHBS).

Also, Michael P. will be hosting his infamous off-flavor booth at the start of the night. Learn a little bit about what makes beer taste bad and what bad beer tastes like. Whole lot of good beer talk goes on in Michael’s corner. 😀

Can’t wait. See you there!


18aug7:30 pmAugust Club Meeting7:30 pm Culver City Home Brew Supply



ID 5843

Summer Party 2016 Recap!!

Well if you didn’t make it to the Summer Party this year, it was a blast and if you did make it you know what I’m talking about!!

So much great homebrewed beers and sodas. I counted at least 40 beers on tap with the Wave tap system, all the jockey boxes, and one on the recently fixed hand pump. There was multiple tables of amazing Mediterranean themed food coming from the Ian bbq kitchen crew. Things like Lam, Lemmon chicken, Tuna, and all the sides. Plus, all the excellent dishes, apps, and desserts brought by the members was incredible. Such things like Hummus’s, tabouli, fallafel, even some amazing Thai dishes, and the list goes on!! We also gave away a ton of prizes consisting of door prizes and raffle prizes during the day and end of the night. Everything from beers for the door prizes and a whole list of items for the raffle: books, glass wear, T-shirts, Firestone swag packs, Culver City Homebrew Supply Gift Certificates, a Big Mouth fermenter, a 5lb Co2 tank with regulator, and the grand prize a big Igloo mash tun and boiler pot burner. We had a crazy fun day of drinking, eating, swimming, and just chilling. You will see in the pictures that it was one of the day’s the fires where blazing back in the hillsides. It darkened the sky and through an orange’ish red hue over all of us that day, but we partied on.

A big Congratulations to a few people that brought beer and soda to the the Party. Tad and Ramesh for winning “Best Beer of the Party 2016” and to Craig Corley for “Best Soda of the Party 2016”. Tad and Ramesh won with their Firestone Walker Parabola Clone which was spot on and I though was better then the bottle of actual Parabola we where blind side by siding it with. Craig won with his amazing “SLaM Soda” which as stood the test of time and has proven once again that its soda to be recorded with.

A special Thanks you to all that brought donation for OPCC.net. We had a good amount of good and money to turn in from the collection at the party, you can see it in one of the picture.

Thank you to all that brought beer, soda, and food to the party. Also thank you to everyone that brought beer despensing equipment, tables, pop-ups, ice, and other party supplies. Thank you for coming, for buying raffle tickets and PG gear. Thank you to all the guest who came to enjoy not only the summer party, but our passion as homebrewers. We had a great turn out that helped pay for putting on parties like this and continuing the support for the club. We could not have a party with out you, literally!

Most of all we really could not put on a summer party like this with out these following people. The one’s that sacrifice so much time and effort to make sure everyone has a fun and fulfilled experience at these parties. Let me go down the list best as I can:

Thank you to Dean, you lending us your place every year is one of the greatest gifts we could get form you. I could not image a summer party any where else.

Thank you to Mimi Bardet and the Board (Michael and Tania Musgrave, Tim Bardet, Carl Townsend, Dean Sussman) for organizing the multitude of preparations and extra meetings needed to make sure every detail is taken care of and that the party runs as smooth as humanly possible. From what I saw it was a great team of people working together to make it happen and everyone that came had an amazing time. I can not thank you all enough for doing your parts and playing your rolls.

Thank you Ian and to the kitchen crew!! As always the food was mind blowing, every bite better then the last. The food you always prepare for these parties and events makes them that much more special.  I still talk about dishes I’ve had from years past and this year was just the same, excellent. Ian wrote me about some of the guys in his crew this year so I figured I could not say it better, so from Ian and all of us Thank you:
-Neil for the transportation, I could not cook without the equipment. Thank you!
-Luis for the Lemon Chicken and Friday night prep and Sat. cooking.
-For Reed for the Friday night prep and smelling like fish.
-For Rob Kadota whose rumor of being dead was proved false; you are still a rock star behind the grill, I know I owe you a tuna steak, still sorry not sorry for eating yours!
-For our host who showed off his knife skills…Sorry about the bread dough!
-And thank you all the beautiful people who brought dishes!

I also want to thank Carl Townsend and Tom Rierson for transporting and taking care of the “Wave or Beer” system. Thanks you Carl for always taking care of it and making sure its cleaned, as well as housing it. Thank you to Tom for the use of your truck transporting it around and also for fixing the Hand Pump this year so we could put a stout on it.

Thank you to Craig Corley for stepping in as Door Prize and Raffle announcer guy! Terry had to be out of town and Corley was our next seasoned vet in the art of raffling. You did a great job and I thank you for giving out some many great gifts to the masses! Especially the the special beers you when out an got for the door prizes.

Thank you to Dan Hakes as always for your use of the string lights you bring and set up every year! I really love the colored bulbs in them this year. Hope your Wash Summer Party went great, sorry I could not make it, but I did post it so hopefully some PG’ers showed up!?

Thank you for everyone that donated to the Party and Raffle this year. Especially to:
-Kevin and Greg at the Culver City Homebrew Supply Store for their donation of multiple Gift Certificates and other discounted items for the Raffle!
-Mark Takahashi, now brewer at Golden Road, for bringing a box load of 6 packs of various beers. We will still have some left over for this up coming club meeting to raffle off, because there was so much!
-Tad and Ramesh for the donation of the 5lb Co2 tank’s and regulator’s, plus some clean up parts from Culver City Homebrew Supply. One full tank set up was raffled off at the Party and the other ones regulator is now a permanent part of the clubs newly acquired 20lb Co2 tank set up!
-Also a big thank you to Tomm Carroll as well for donating a bunch of beers from his personal collections to the raffle. Also for the great experiniece had by all drinking more beers from your collection at “The Trux Stop Pop-Up Spot” you put on this year, it was so much fun.
-Thank you Michael Musgrave for the books we put in the raffle, and to anyone I might be missing that dropped off some great stuff that day.

Last, but not least I want to thank all of the volunteers that came to help set up, work the party, bartend, and brake down.  There are so many of you and your help at these events are key. You all know who you are and we all can’t thank you enough for stepping up and helping out.

Im sure Im missing some thank you’s? Here’s one, thank you for reading this post! Please feel free to add any recaps, thank you’s, or corrections in the comments section below this post on the PG website.

Cheers to awesome times and to next years Summer Party!!
Your Prez,

2016 Summer Party photo album on Facebook:


Tonight! August First Friday @ Wirsthaus

Hey PG!

Just a few hours until our First Friday @ Wirsthaus on La Brea tonight and I can’t wait. I first went to Wirsthaus last year for a birthday party and it was a lot of fun. It’s a traditional German restaurant and pub featuring authentic schnitzel, sausages,  potato pancakes, currywurst, and some decent vegetarian options too. They’ve got ping pong and usually some live music going on, more than 30 German beers available too.

More info here: http://www.wirtshausla.com/

Should be a very fun night, Tania and I are planning on arriving at 7pm to try and grab some table space. The place can get rather busy, but (as we’ve done before) we’ll find a way to make it work.

Looking forward to drinking cold beer out of a boot tonight! I hope to see you all there.


5aug7:00 pmFirst Friday - Wirtshaus7:00 pm Wirtshaus

Want More reasons to Party this Summer!?

Our Summer Party was a blast and I’ll soon do a recap on it, but in the mean time Pacific Gravity has been invited to Wash’s Summer Party at Dan Hakes House this Saturday!

Wash or West Adams Society of Homebrewers, is a newer local Homebrew club headed up by Dan Hakes and they are hosting their first Summer Party this weekend. Im sure they can use all the same things we need, help setting up, beer, food, and Jockey boxes. The entry is the same as ours for the party, Wash club members are free and all others guest $10 at the door to help support the club. Here is all the information below and please email Dan to see how you can help!

What: The Wash Summer Party

When: This Saturday August 6th, 4pm-10pm

Where: Dan and Anne Hakes house
2203 West 20th street
Los Angeles, Ca. 90018

To RSVP, find out more informations, and to also see how you can help or what you should bring email at: President@westadamshomebrewers.com or dan hakes at mac dot com

and Please show Dan and Anne all the respect and courtesy you would for them and their house as you would Dean and his. Have fun and thank you Dan for the invite!!

If your reading this via email and don’t see the official flier click here to the PG post: http://pacificgravity.com/2016/08/want-reasons-party-summer/

Print Sign Project