Entry Deadlines – 2 Competitions

There are two important competition entry deadlines coming right up:

1)  Deadline for the First Annual Belgian Beer Challenge is Sunday, March 1st at 4:00 PM.  Registration is on-line at http://belgianbrewchallenge.com/ . Drop your entries off at the Culver City Homebrew Supply shop before the close of business.

2)  if you have entries for the American Homebrewers Association National Homebrew Competition, please note the following deadlines:

For entries in the San Diego region only:  You may drop off entries at the Culver City shop no later than 7:00 PM Thursday, March 5th.

For all other regions:  You must ship your beers via UPS so they arrive no later than March 11th.  (If you miss the Thursday deadline for San Diego, you can ship them so they arrive by the 11th.)

If anybody wants to make the road trip to San Diego for beer drop-off, please drop me a line at Competitions@PacificGravity.com no later than Thursday.  The club will reimburse you for up to $50 for gas.  Bottles need to be delivered to Ballast Point Brewing, 5401 Linda Vista Road, Suite 406, San Diego, CA  92110.

Carl Townsend

NHC Attendance Registration – Ends Tomorrow!

see below for information to register to attend the national homebrewers conference!

National Homebrewers Conference

Join us in San Diego for the 2015 AHA National
 Homebrewers Conference!
Join Us in San Diego! Apply to Register for the AHA National Homebrewers Conference
Sign Up Before 10 PM MST Tomorrow
Now’s the time, beer lovers! American Homebrewers Association members can apply to register for the 2015 AHA National Homebrewers Conference, June 11-13, San Diego.Registration application closes tomorrow, so don’t wait any longer:

Apply to register now.

With over 80 speakers and nearly 60 seminars to choose from, this year’s conference promises to be a brewing-education bonanza. And with 17 hours of Homebrew Expo over the course of three days, you’d better bring your shopping list. Last but certainly not least, there’s Club Nightthe biggest homebrew party of the year!

Join us in San Diego!

Here is the information you’ll need for your registration application (a valid 9-digit AHA member number for each registrant and guest is required (e.g. one number for yourself, a separate unique number for your guest).

P.S. Already registered? Thanks! Stay tuned for more details.

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Photos © Brewers Association and Edward C. Bronson.


Tomorow – 20th Anniversary Club Meeting


Tomorrow is the big day!  Many of us will be at Tomm & Danise’s place tonight to setup – if you can make it we would love to see  you.  The more people we get to help us setup and cleanup the day after the better.

I just want to remind everyone that just like our other meetings we should all be extremely appreciative that Tomm and Danise have opened up their home for us to celebrate 20 years of an awesome homebrew club.  With that, I want to remind you all  to be respectful of their house while you are there.  We have rented a porta potty outside which is reserved for men/boys.  Women/Girls may use the indoor restroom.  Other than that we ask that you please keep the party outside where there will be plenty of beer and food!

I strongly suggest you secure some type of ride to and from the event so that you do not get behind the wheel after you have had too many beers.  A taxi far, uber fare or favor is far less costly than what can happen if you drive when you shouldnt.

That said – I look forward to seeing all of you tomorrow and hope you all have a blast (and bring your beer!!)


20th Anniversary – Door Giveaways and 20th Gear!

We are only a few days away from our 20th Anniversary Soiree!  20 years of educating each other about beer, learning more and more about homebrew, bus trips, homebrew competitions, etc is no small task.  The board wanted to do something special for our club members for this anniversary so we purchased a couple of pieces of Pacific Gravity gear for this party.

20th Anniversary T-Shirts – $25.

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We went all out with our T-Shirts for this year’s anniversary.  These shirts – designed by Tad (cheers buddy) – look freaking awesome!  They are black T’s with front, back and sleeve logos printed on them.  These shirts will be available at the door for purchase for $25.

20th Anniversary Glassware – Free!

We wanted to do something special for our members for this event as well.  Instead of selling two different types of schwag for the anniversay we decided we would print up some killer glassware to give away to club members at the door.  To receive your free glass you must be a club member who has paid his/her dues.  We only made 72 of these bad boys so make sure you get to the party early enough to grab one.  If we run out of glasses we will have a sign up sheet so that you can let us know you are interested in a glass – or if you wanted a second one you can sign up for it at the party as well.

Just remember that this party is a kick off of our 20th anniversary year.  We have some other events that we are trying to lock down dates for the rest of the year.  Ill make sure to keep everyone up to date with events at our monthly club meetings – but you can also browse through our events calendar on this website to keep up to date.

See you on Saturday!

Beer for 20th Anniversary Party

Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 6.57.53 PM copyWe’ll have the Wave of Beer cranked up for the 20th Anniversary Party. If you have a keg or two, bring them along. Let me know what you are bringing and I’ll have a special 20th Anniversary toe tags to decorate the tap. Drop me a line at competitions@pacificgravity.com

See you there!

20th Anniversary Party Announcements!

Screen Shot 2015-02-13 at 6.57.53 PM copyOur February meeting (aka 20th Anniversary Party) is right around the corner! We have a few announcements to share leading up to the event:

*Set up will be on Friday 2/20 at 6pm and clean up on Sunday 2/22 at 10am at the Trux Stop, we need volunteers to help so we don’t stick our generous hosts with the task. Please contact board@pacificgravity.com to sign up to volunteer!

*PG’s Chef Ian will be grilling up some carne asada! Please bring your dishes to soak up all the beer as well. You can fit the style and bring chips & guac, rice, beans, etc. or just anything you feel like!

*Bring your own folding chairs if you plan on sitting. We will also need some tables, please contact us if you have any, they can be dropped off during setup.

*MOST IMPORTANTLY…. Bring your home brews! What better way to celebrate 20 years as a home brew club than by sharing your beer with the rest of the club!

We look forward to seeing you all! Stay tuned next week for some exciting news about a special surprise we have for all you members!

Happy Pacific Gravity 20th Anniversary Kickoff Month!!

To kickoff our 20th anniversary, we will be posting old and possibly forgotten photos of past events / members each month starting with some from around 1999.  There are certainly more, but we’re trying to pick some of the better ones.  We wish they were a little better resolution, but after all, it was 1999!!! Hope you all enjoy and party like it’s 1999 this year to celebrate! …just don’t dress like it’s 1999, wow!

Cheers to our 20th and may we have an even better next 20 years! Read more

AFC Entries Due Feb 5th

As the new homebrew competition season gets underway, it is now time to get ready for the first official event. Entry registration for the America’s Finest City homebrew competition is now open at https://quaff.org/AFC-2015/. This event takes 2 bottles per entry and costs $7.00. You can drop off entries up until February 5th at the Culver City Homebrew Supply Co. QUAFF is also looking for judges for the competition on February 20th and 21st. Read more

Monster Brew is Full

We’ve had a great response to the monster brew at Smog City Brewing this Saturday.  We’ve allocated all the wort.  We might be able to fill a few more buckets on a provisional basis, but no guarantees.

Just a few reminders for the event:

  • Park on the west side of the brewery to keep the tap room lot open.
  • Bring sterilized plastic or metal fermenters.  No glass, and no skinny neck containers.
  • If you haven’t paid, bring cash, check or credit card to the brewery on Saturday.  $30 per batch.
  • We start at 7:30AM and should be pouring wort around 1 or 2 PM.

Make sure you’ve caught the full articles here:


See you There!


Modifying Your Monster Brew

This Month’s Question: How do I modify my wort from the Monster Brew at Smog City Brewing?

Answer:  I hope you are all planning to join us at Smog City Brewing Company’s Second Annual Monster Brew, Saturday, January 24h, 2014, from 7:30 AM to 2 PM hosted by our very own Jon Porter. We’ll be brewing up a batch of Pilsner-based wort. Where it goes from there is up to you! We’re hoping to have as many variations on the theme as possible for upcoming events such as the 20th anniversary, Southern California Homebrew Fest, club meetings and summer party.

The recipe for the wort is in the text box. About 2/3rds of the wort is German pilsner malt, based on Smog’s Little Bo Pils. A bit of Cara-Pils, Vienna malt and wheat malt round out the grain bill. Apart from that, the recipe is light-colored and minimally hopped. This gives YOU the opportunity to spice it up, using your own creativity as broadly as possible. The wort will have a starting gravity of 1.052, with 22 IBUs of bitterness and a color of about 4 SRM. A lot of different beers can be made out of this. With a bit of tweaking, you can make just about anything. Here are some ideas on what to do.

1) Pick a yeast. The wort comes unpitched, so at a minimum, you have to get some yeast for brewing day. As formulated, the wort will make an excellent Pilsner if you pitch with German Pilsner yeast such as White Labs WLP800, or Wyeast 2007. Of course, this means you need to have a lager fridge or other cooler to pull this off. But, you can also pick something like a German ale yeast and make a Kölsch or and American ale yeast and make a blonde ale. Whatever style you go for, I suggest making at least a 1 quart starter a few days before the Monster brew.

2) Boost the bitterness or hop flavor. You’ll have to do this if you want to get to IPA range, and I also recommend it for Pale Ale, ESB, Robust Porter, Altbier and several other styles as well. Boil up a small amount of water and add hops to make a hop tea. Boil for at least half an hour with high alpha hops to raise the IBU level, and for best effect, use pellets rather than whole-leaf hops. To calculate the bitterness, use these numbers: Each ½ oz of 12% AAU pellets will boost the bitterness by 15 IBU. Boil for 10 to 15 minutes with your favorite hop variety to boost the flavor. Note that this will boost the IBU level by a smaller amount.

3) Dry hop it. The recipe this year has a low level of Saaz finishing hops, but not enough for the citrusy American styles. You can go American for American Pale or Amber Ale, British hops for ESB, or you can go with Continental Noble hops for something like Saison.

4) Make it stronger. Styles such as Maibock or Belgian Tripel can be made by adding some malt extract or Belgian candi sugar. Just boil up a small amount of water and extract and boil for about 10 to 15 minutes, to make sure it is sterile. Cool, and add to your fermenter.

5) Make it weaker. If you are into session beer styles such as Bitter, the gravity will be too high. You can cut the gravity by adding some water. This is a great way of increasing the yield of your brewing day, and you may need a second fermenter to hold the extra volume. For best results, the water should be sterilized by boiling ahead of time for a few minutes. Note that the dilution will drop the bitterness level too, which will fit some, but not all of the lighter styles.

6) Make it darker. Pick a dark grain like roast barley, Special B, chocolate malt or Carafa. Steep in hot water, then strain out the grains and boil the liquid. Voila, instant dark beer! I made a great porter and Schwarzbier the past couple of years with this approach.

7) Make it malty. Discover the magic of melanoidin malt to make some of the malty German lagers styles such as traditional Bock, or Munich Dunkel. I’d even recommend a bit if you are making a Maibock.

8) Do combinations of the above. Suppose you want to make an American Barleywine out of the wort. Boil up some malt extract, add some hops to boost the bitterness and flavor during the boil. Cool and add to the fermenter. Then, dry hop in secondary.

The attached table has a list of some of the interesting combinations you can do. I came up with 20 variations without even breaking a sweat. You can probably come up with even more.
You’ll want to pitch your yeast as soon as you get your wort home. For most of the variations, you should plan on adjusting the wort at the same time, though you could wait a day or so. Make sure you get it going before primary fermentation is done, since the yeast will need to work on the additional materials.
So, start whipping up your recipe now. Hope to see you on the 24th.

Smog City Monster Brew #2
Recipe for 16 Barrels (496 gallons):
• 660 lbs German Pilsner Malt
• 55 lbs Cara-Pils
• 55 lbs Wheat Malt
• 55 lbs Vienna Malt
• 26 lbs Acidulated Malt
• Summit 32oz (FWH)
• Saaz 48oz (15 min)
• Saaz 48oz (Flame Out)
• Target OG – 1.052
• Target SRM – 4
• Target IBU – 22

StyleYeastGrain / SugarHopsFerment
German LagerLagerCold
Bohemian LagerLagerCara-PilsSaazCold
American LagerLagerCold
Vienna LagerViennaMunich or ViennaCold
MaibockBockMelanoidin, LMECold
Traditional MaibockBockMelanoidin, LMECold
DoppelbockBockMelanoidin, LMECold
Munich DunkelMunich LagerMelanoidin, MunichCold
SchwarzbierMunich LagerCarafaCold
Cream AleCream AleCool
California CommonCA LagerCrystalNorthern BrewerCool
AltbierGerman AleCrystalTea / HallertauerCool
Blonde AleAmerican AleMedium
American Pale AleAmerican AleTea / Dry AmarilloMedium
American AmberAmerican AleCrystalTea / Dry AmarilloMedium
IPAAmerican Ale or EnglishCrystalTea / Dry AmarilloMedium
Brown AleEnglishCrystal, ChocolateMedium
Dry StoutIrishRoast BarleyMedium
Export StoutIrishRoase Barley, LMEMedium
Imperial StoutIrishLME, Roast BarleyTea / GoldingsMedium
Old AleEnglishLMETea / FugglesMedium
BarleywineAmerican Ale or EnglishLMETea / CentennialMedium
Wheat BeerWeihenstephanWheat MaltWarm
WitSpices: Corriander & bitter orange peelWarm
Belgian Pale AleAntwerpBelgian BiscuitWarm
Belgian DubbelAbbeyDark Candi Sugar, Special BWarm
Belgian Dark StrongTrappistDark Candi Sugar, Special B, CaraMunichWarm
TripelGoldenLight CandiWarm
SaisonSaisonDry hop SaazWarm