PG Golf Outing @ Westchester and Bottle Share @ the Trux Stop!! Oct. 22nd

Hi Everyone,

First off I would like to announce that Brett Willson is Pacific Gravity’s new “Activities Director” for the rest of 2016 and proposed 2017! Brett’s goals are to add more outdoor and physical activities combined with out love of Beer!
Brett’s first activity, which we have started to announce and some of you have signed up for is a PG Golf Day at Westchester Golf Course.
Also to top it off we are inviting all PG club members, even if you are obviously not a golfer, to the afterwords 19th Hole Bottle Share at Tomm Carroll’s beloved Trux Stop bar and backyard! (aka Tomm’s place).

Note: if you want to sign up for the Golf Day you have to do it now, so email Brett ASAP and you have to commit to the day and the price.

Here is all the info and words form Brett:

Pacific Gravity will at long last combine our love for golf and beer into one glorious day. We are joining for a round of golf at Westchester Golf Course and then heading to the 19th hole at the Truxx Stop to relax and revel in an afternoon bottle share.  There will be prizes and bragging rights to those who are the best dressed, post the highest score, post the lowest score, and are closest to the pin on the first hole.  The round will be $45 and payable at the golf course.  A few of us will be at the course a little early to hit some warm up balls.  Feel free to join us at the driving range.

The bottle share will be from 3PM until 10PM at the Truxx Stop.  Please bring bottles to share and a your favorite side dishes or grill items because we will be cooking food on the charcoals at Tomm’s place during the bottle share.
You do not need to play golf to attend the bottle share, but all must RSVP to: so we can get a head count for food! If you’ve never been to a bottle share at the Trux Stop, well it’s one you do not want to miss, you never know what Tomm’s going to pull out of the walk-in cooler! Just ask any other member thats been there.

Pacific Gravity Golf Outing
When: October 22nd -9:30am to 2:30pm
How Much: $45 – Payable in Cash at the golf course
19th Hole Bottle Share @ The Trux Stop: (close to Westchester)
When: October 22nd – 3pm to 10pm
Where: The Trux Stop (aka Tomm & Denise’s) 7643 Truxton Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90045

So please RSVP now for Golfing and/or going to the Bottle Share. Bring your clubs to the course and your bottles and food to the Trux Stop!! Hope to see you all there.



Other Announcements
Happy Birthday to our resident club Chef, Ian Fraser today!!

-October Club Meeting: Culver City Homebrew Shop, Oct. 20th, the Third Thursday. Style of the Month: British and American Strong Beers
We will be taking nominees for Board Member votes (President, VP, and Treasurer) as well as Club Member of the year nominees.

-November Club Meeting and Chili Cook off: Nov. 5th a Saturday at Terry Malloy’s house. Set your Calendars and think of your chili recipes your going to cook up!!!
This is an extremely early meeting in the month and the only day Terry could Host. We will be Voting that day for Board Members and Club Member or the year.
We have not decided on whether or not we are pushing First Friday, but it is more then likely. Nov. 5th will be our November Meeting.
Style of the Month: Ciders and Meads, plus Spiced, Smoked and Wood aged beers.


Summer Party 2016 Recap!!

Well if you didn’t make it to the Summer Party this year, it was a blast and if you did make it you know what I’m talking about!!

So much great homebrewed beers and sodas. I counted at least 40 beers on tap with the Wave tap system, all the jockey boxes, and one on the recently fixed hand pump. There was multiple tables of amazing Mediterranean themed food coming from the Ian bbq kitchen crew. Things like Lam, Lemmon chicken, Tuna, and all the sides. Plus, all the excellent dishes, apps, and desserts brought by the members was incredible. Such things like Hummus’s, tabouli, fallafel, even some amazing Thai dishes, and the list goes on!! We also gave away a ton of prizes consisting of door prizes and raffle prizes during the day and end of the night. Everything from beers for the door prizes and a whole list of items for the raffle: books, glass wear, T-shirts, Firestone swag packs, Culver City Homebrew Supply Gift Certificates, a Big Mouth fermenter, a 5lb Co2 tank with regulator, and the grand prize a big Igloo mash tun and boiler pot burner. We had a crazy fun day of drinking, eating, swimming, and just chilling. You will see in the pictures that it was one of the day’s the fires where blazing back in the hillsides. It darkened the sky and through an orange’ish red hue over all of us that day, but we partied on.

A big Congratulations to a few people that brought beer and soda to the the Party. Tad and Ramesh for winning “Best Beer of the Party 2016” and to Craig Corley for “Best Soda of the Party 2016”. Tad and Ramesh won with their Firestone Walker Parabola Clone which was spot on and I though was better then the bottle of actual Parabola we where blind side by siding it with. Craig won with his amazing “SLaM Soda” which as stood the test of time and has proven once again that its soda to be recorded with.

A special Thanks you to all that brought donation for We had a good amount of good and money to turn in from the collection at the party, you can see it in one of the picture.

Thank you to all that brought beer, soda, and food to the party. Also thank you to everyone that brought beer despensing equipment, tables, pop-ups, ice, and other party supplies. Thank you for coming, for buying raffle tickets and PG gear. Thank you to all the guest who came to enjoy not only the summer party, but our passion as homebrewers. We had a great turn out that helped pay for putting on parties like this and continuing the support for the club. We could not have a party with out you, literally!

Most of all we really could not put on a summer party like this with out these following people. The one’s that sacrifice so much time and effort to make sure everyone has a fun and fulfilled experience at these parties. Let me go down the list best as I can:

Thank you to Dean, you lending us your place every year is one of the greatest gifts we could get form you. I could not image a summer party any where else.

Thank you to Mimi Bardet and the Board (Michael and Tania Musgrave, Tim Bardet, Carl Townsend, Dean Sussman) for organizing the multitude of preparations and extra meetings needed to make sure every detail is taken care of and that the party runs as smooth as humanly possible. From what I saw it was a great team of people working together to make it happen and everyone that came had an amazing time. I can not thank you all enough for doing your parts and playing your rolls.

Thank you Ian and to the kitchen crew!! As always the food was mind blowing, every bite better then the last. The food you always prepare for these parties and events makes them that much more special.  I still talk about dishes I’ve had from years past and this year was just the same, excellent. Ian wrote me about some of the guys in his crew this year so I figured I could not say it better, so from Ian and all of us Thank you:
-Neil for the transportation, I could not cook without the equipment. Thank you!
-Luis for the Lemon Chicken and Friday night prep and Sat. cooking.
-For Reed for the Friday night prep and smelling like fish.
-For Rob Kadota whose rumor of being dead was proved false; you are still a rock star behind the grill, I know I owe you a tuna steak, still sorry not sorry for eating yours!
-For our host who showed off his knife skills…Sorry about the bread dough!
-And thank you all the beautiful people who brought dishes!

I also want to thank Carl Townsend and Tom Rierson for transporting and taking care of the “Wave or Beer” system. Thanks you Carl for always taking care of it and making sure its cleaned, as well as housing it. Thank you to Tom for the use of your truck transporting it around and also for fixing the Hand Pump this year so we could put a stout on it.

Thank you to Craig Corley for stepping in as Door Prize and Raffle announcer guy! Terry had to be out of town and Corley was our next seasoned vet in the art of raffling. You did a great job and I thank you for giving out some many great gifts to the masses! Especially the the special beers you when out an got for the door prizes.

Thank you to Dan Hakes as always for your use of the string lights you bring and set up every year! I really love the colored bulbs in them this year. Hope your Wash Summer Party went great, sorry I could not make it, but I did post it so hopefully some PG’ers showed up!?

Thank you for everyone that donated to the Party and Raffle this year. Especially to:
-Kevin and Greg at the Culver City Homebrew Supply Store for their donation of multiple Gift Certificates and other discounted items for the Raffle!
-Mark Takahashi, now brewer at Golden Road, for bringing a box load of 6 packs of various beers. We will still have some left over for this up coming club meeting to raffle off, because there was so much!
-Tad and Ramesh for the donation of the 5lb Co2 tank’s and regulator’s, plus some clean up parts from Culver City Homebrew Supply. One full tank set up was raffled off at the Party and the other ones regulator is now a permanent part of the clubs newly acquired 20lb Co2 tank set up!
-Also a big thank you to Tomm Carroll as well for donating a bunch of beers from his personal collections to the raffle. Also for the great experiniece had by all drinking more beers from your collection at “The Trux Stop Pop-Up Spot” you put on this year, it was so much fun.
-Thank you Michael Musgrave for the books we put in the raffle, and to anyone I might be missing that dropped off some great stuff that day.

Last, but not least I want to thank all of the volunteers that came to help set up, work the party, bartend, and brake down.  There are so many of you and your help at these events are key. You all know who you are and we all can’t thank you enough for stepping up and helping out.

Im sure Im missing some thank you’s? Here’s one, thank you for reading this post! Please feel free to add any recaps, thank you’s, or corrections in the comments section below this post on the PG website.

Cheers to awesome times and to next years Summer Party!!
Your Prez,

2016 Summer Party photo album on Facebook:


Remember at the Summer Party we are collecting for Charity Again!!!

We will have a few boxes on site at the Summer Party to collect for our favorite charity!!

This is a great excuse to go through your closets and or go to you favorite low cost stores to purchase denotable supplies. Stores like: Ross and other discount clothing stores, 99 cent stores, Costco and other whole sale stores, or even CVS, Walgreens, and Target. Want to give Money? Mimi your Charity and Special Event coordinator can take cash or checks (made out to: OPCC) for the organization. She’ll take it along with the purchase items for drop off.

Here are the types of donations items they are looking for!

Charity Donation – IDEAS & SUGGESTIONS

Clothing (all donations should be clean and, if used, in good condition.)

  • Socks and sweat socks – for men, women and children
  • New underwear – men’s, women and children
  • Sweat shirts and tee-shirts for adults – all sizes especially larger sizes
  • Flannel and long sleeve shirts for adults
  • Pants and jeans for adults – all sizes especially larger sizes
  • Sneakers – men’s & women’s most needed
  • Shower shoes/thongs
  • Rain ponchos for adults & children

Personal & Household items

  • Hygiene Items (Travel or regular size)
  • toothpaste
    • toothbrush
    • deodorant
    • shampoo
    • disposable razors
    • bar soap
    • hand & body lotion
    • sanitary napkins & tampons
  • Blankets (preferably wool)
  • Backpacks or duffel bags
  • Sleeping bags for adults
  • Diapers – all sizes
  • Bedding: Twin size sheets, comforters and pillows. Please note pillow must be new.

Welcome Home Packages

  • Kitchen Kits (dish towels, dish soap, utensils, plates and cups, pots and pans etc.)
  • Bathroom Necessities (shampoo and conditioner, body wash/soap, hand and body towels, shaving cream, razors, etc.)
  • Bedroom Essentials (comforter, sheets, pillows, pajamas, slippers, etc.)
  • Cleaning Supplies (dust pan, broom, Windex, counter spray, toilet bowl cleaner and brush, etc.).

Last Day’s to Email us and let us know how your helping out for the Summer Party!!!

Please email us if your planning on helping out in any way for the Summer Party this weekend. Your emails let us know what we can plan for to make sure we fulfill our party needs.
Please email us ASAP!!!

Bringing Beer and or a Non-Alcoholic Fruit Drink? Let Carl know asap to make you a tag(s) and so we have enough taps to serve it with. email Competitions at Pacific Gravity dot com

-We need your Beer Gear to help serve all these drinks too. Please volunteer: Jockey Boxes,  Co2 set ups, Party tubs, and ice. email Competitions at Pacific Gravity dot com

We Need more food. Yeah Ian’s cooking, but we also run on your dishes too! Mediterranean Style or other Dishes and Deserts, Let us know. email  summer party at pacific gravity dot com
(Mediterranean food ideas: Hummus, Tabouli, Falafel, Cucumber Salad, Baked Feta, and any style along the Mediterranean Sea really! all dishes, apps, and deserts welcome.)

-We need stuff too. Please Volunteer your: 6′ folding tables, Pop-Ups, Coolers, Party Lights, AC power extensions and power strips. email  summer party at pacific gravity dot com

-No better way to get all your stuff to us then Volunteering for Set-up Friday night 6pm and Saturday morning 10am. As well as Brake-down Sunday morning 10am. We need your help and you need to drop off your gear and kegs. So email us and let us know you are coming by, what days, and what your bringing if any. Also Friday night set up is like a mini bottle share and Sunday Break down you can claim the left overs! email  summer party at pacific gravity dot com

-Also if anyone has any raffle Donations let us know so we can plan to have them raffled off at the Summer Party! email  summer party at pacific gravity dot com

Note: There will be limited power on site, so please bring your dishes pre cooked and ready to eat. There is no access to the house at all. There is no freezer space either. There might be some coolers with ice, but better plan ahead and bring your own.

Also Label everything you bring with your name if you want to get it back!!! and this is a “Bring Your Own Folding Chair” event.

-There will be a $10 charge for all guest at the door, current members are free and everyone will get a door prize ticket to win some great beers and stuff during the day. As well there will be Pacific Gravity merchandise and raffle tickets for sale at the front gate too, with some special discounts! The Raffle tickets will be $1 each and I can tell you now we are giving away some cools stuff!! Like a Burner and Mash Tun, 5 lb Co2 tank and regulator, a Big Mouth fermenter, a bottle capper/corker, gift certificates and more, just to name a few so far!

-Also remember to bring Charitable Donations too for! Just like the Winter Party and May club meeting. I will be posting another reminder with all the charity info later this week.

Thanks and can’t wait to Party with everyone this weekend!

Summer Party Beers



Hey, we have just a few days to go until the summer party on Saturday, July 23rd, and some of you haven’t let me know what beers and sodas you are bringing.  Please drop me a line at to let me know what you have.  Some of you had listed “TBD”, so if you know what it is, please send me an update.  Everyone who signs up in advance will have a colorful tap tag.

As usual, we will be voting for the best beer and best specialty beverage of the party.  This year, going with the Mediterranean theme, our special beverage is any non-alcohol fruit-based beverage.   It can be carbonated or not, and may have additional ingredients. Read more

The PG Summer Party check list, We need your Help!!!!

Pacific Gravity’s Summer Party Checklist

Saturday, July 23rd – 2pm to 10pm

Location: Dean Sussman’s – 1310 Amalfi Drive, Pacific Palisades, 90272


Checklist for ALL party attendees: Please read through this carefully and respond to us at the designated emails as soon as possible!!

  • Bring BEER, BEER & more BEER! Also, bring sodas or a non-alcoholic beverage featuring FRUIT for a chance at the “Best Non-Alcoholic Beverage” Award! Plus “Best Beer of the Summer Party” will be voted on too! Please email what beers and non-alc beverages/sodas you are bringing so Carl can make up special name tags for the taps. Email at: Competitions at Pacific Gravity dot com
  • FOOD – sign up to bring Mediterranean-themed dishes or any dish you would like to supply to our POTLUCK for the summer party. (the club will supply some food, but we need YOUR dishes too!) We need ALL kinds of food: appetizers, sides dishes, main dishes (pre-cooked, no power on site for cookers), desserts, etc. All your specialty dishes are welcome! We need LOTS of food to go with all the beer so please email us what dishes you will add to our feast! email at: summer party at pacific gravity dot com
  • VOLUNTEERS – we need YOU to help make this a successful party! Please email us at summer party at pacific gravity dot com . We have lots of volunteer opportunities!
    • Setup on Friday night
    • Food prep on Friday
    • Cleanup on Sunday morning
    • More setup and food prep on Saturday morning
    • Front Gate Check-In shifts (several 1hr. slots still available between 1pm to 7pm)
    • Bartender shifts – 1hr. (please see Carl on Saturday to volunteer)
  • Beer Equipment (email Carl at: Competitions at PacificGravity dot com)
    • Jockey boxes
    • CO2 cylinders
    • Bags of ice for jockey boxes
  • Other Equipment needed for the party. Please let us know if you have any of the following and would be willing to loan to us for the party. Please email us at: summer party at pacific gravity dot com . We will email confirmation back if we need you to bring items on Friday night during setup.
    • Tables
    • EZ Ups/Canopies
    • BBQs
    • Power: extension cords/power strips/splitters
    • Extra coolers/ice chests
    • party lights

Remember to bring this and things to know for the Summer Party:

  • Bring BEER & other beverages
  • Bring FOOD – Mediterranean-themed or other
  • Fee for all adult guests is $10 per guest. Kids are free. (Current members are free!)
  • Cash for Raffle tickets
  • PG merchandise will be available for sale at the Front Desk: cash, credit, or check
  • Payment for past due membership – cash, credit, or check
  • Donations for Charity – clothes, toiletries, new socks/underwear, kitchen kits, cleaning supplies, etc.
  • Chairs and Blankets
  • Bathing suits and towels, if you want to use the swimming pool.
  • Sunscreen
  • Jackets & sweaters for the evening
  • Note for food contributions, we will NOT have use of a kitchen for heating or cooling so please plan accordingly. Please label your food containers so that we can get them back to you.


Charity Donation – IDEAS & SUGGESTIONS

Clothing (all donations should be clean and, if used, in good condition.)

  • Sweat socks – for men, women and children
  • New underwear – men’s, women and children
  • Sweat shirts and tee-shirts for adults – all sizes especially larger sizes
  • Flannel and long sleeve shirts for adults
  • Pants and jeans for adults – all sizes especially larger sizes
  • Sneakers – men’s & women’s most needed
  • Shower shoes/thongs
  • Rain ponchos for adults & children

Personal & Household items

  • Hygiene Items (Travel or regular size)
  • toothpaste
    • toothbrush
    • deodorant
    • shampoo
    • disposable razors
    • bar soap
    • hand & body lotion
    • sanitary napkins & tampons
  • Blankets (preferably wool)
  • Backpacks or duffel bags
  • Sleeping bags for adults
  • Diapers – all sizes
  • Bedding: Twin size sheets, comforters and pillows. Please note pillow must be new.

Welcome Home Packages

  • Kitchen Kits (dish towels, dish soap, utensils, plates and cups, pots and pans etc.)
  • Bathroom Necessities (shampoo and conditioner, body wash/soap, hand and body towels, shaving cream, razors, etc.)
  • Bedroom Essentials (comforter, sheets, pillows, pajamas, slippers, etc.)
  • Cleaning Supplies (dust pan, broom, Windex, counter spray, toilet bowl cleaner and brush, etc.).…we-need-you-help/

Club Meeting and other event dates!!

Sorry for the late announcing of this months club meeting which will be held at the:
Culver City Homebrew Supply store this week June 16th at 7:30pm.
4234 Sepulveda Blvd, Culver City, CA 90230. Style of the Month is All Lagers for homebrewers and International and Czech Lagers for the commercial tasting. There will be a raffle, food, and sign up sheets for next month’s Summer Party for volunteers, beer, and food.
Also if you still need to brew beer for the Summer Party, all club nights held at the Culver City Homebrew Supply shop is double discount nights, So bring you recipes and buy some homebrew supplies!!

We have some more events coming up in July, so set your calendars!

July 1st for First Friday will be south of us at King Harbor’s Waterfront Tasting Room, in the Redondo Pier area! really close to Naja’s Place. Go down via Uber or Lyft and check them out, have a few of their beers and if you need more then head next door. Waterfront Location: 132 International Boardwalk, Redondo Beach, CA 90277
(Note: Do not mistake the location with King Harbor’s actual brewery located at 2907 182nd street Redondo Beach, California 90278)

July 10th for Sunday Funday in the Arts Disttrict, Downtown LA!! This should be a real fun bar crawl in a cool part of downtown with a lot of great beer bars, food, and Breweries. Plus the highlight event where we get a personal tour from club friend Devon Randall, aka Head Brewer at the Arts District Brewery.
The Plan: So the Expo Line just opened up all the way the Santa Monica, so this is a great excuse to use it. The train’s will take you all the way to the Arts District area. Plan on getting on the trains about 10am-10:30am to meet at our first location: Wurstkuche at 11am, where you can get the best sausages in town and some awesome German and Belgian beers. Then about 12:30pm-1pm we head across the street to the Arts District Brewery, where we will meet Devon, drink her beer’s, eat more food, and set off on a personal tour of the brewing facilities. After a good while of hanging at the brewery, the next stop we leave it up to the group, or the individuals. I might head to 82 the Arcade Bar, or Mumford Brewing a few block away. There is also Angel City Brewing and Eat Drink Americano real close too. A bit farther you can cab it to Iron Triangle Brewing, Little Bear, or Villains Tavern. Check out all the links I added to each location, I will announce at the June club meeting and post more about the schedule closer to the date of the event.

July 23rd for Pacific Gravity’s Summer Party!! Definitely set your calendars for this, the biggest event of the year! We will have sign up sheet at this thursday’s club meeting for volunteers, beers, and pot luck food. We will also be looking for some special volunteers to help out Ian with the food duties as well, the week before, during set up, and during the summer party day since he is not as mobile as usual. We will make the official announcements at the meeting this Thursday at the Culver City Homebrew Supply shop.

February 18th, 2016 Club Meeting at Neil’s Complex

This months club meeting is going to be a special one. Last year we celebrated out 20th anniversary in February, so this year we are turning 21. Our club’s at the legal drinking age!! Neil is graciously hosting this months club meeting at his duplex in Marina Del Rey.  12966 Rubens Avenue, Los Angeles 90066

In Celebration of us turning 21, we have some special beers pouring for the night. First off the “Pacific Gravity and Firestone Walker Collaboration Wiezenbock” will be there, only 1 of the 2 kegs we got, recipe from Carl Townsend, this will be the non-barrel aged version. As well we will have the november chili cook off big brew Wiezenbock’s, brewed by Dan White and fermented out by Carl, Michael Musgrave, and Terry all will be pouring as well. So you can compare the differences from the Firestone brew and then three different fermented Wiezenbock’s from one big brew done with the same receipt, but fermented out by multiple people. So do not miss this meeting!! Also if your up in Paso Robles the “Pacific Gravity Homebrew Club Wiezenbock collaboration” is on draft at the Visitor Center!!

Other offerings at this months February 18th club meeting, we will have more Educational learning stations going on at the start of the meeting 7:30pm. Michael Patterson will be back with more Sensory Off Flavor Testing: Papery and Skunky. As well I hear Greg Foster will be back with more challenges and test for us to try too.

We will also be doing the raffle, the commercial tasting hosted by Tim Jones and “The Best Beer of the Night” for your chance to win a $25 gift certificate from the Culver City Homebrew Shop. This months homebrewed beer’s to enter are Amber, California Common, Reds, Brown, Mild, and Porter. (Note: I added Reds, so bring them if you got them!) and if you have any raffle items you would like to donate to the club please bring them by the meeting or email us at the board.

SIGN-UP’S!!!!!!! We will have sign-up sheets for all our up and coming events and you will be able to pay us at the club meeting too. Cash, Check, or Card.
-First sign-up for the Smog City Monsterbrew going on March 5th. It has been filling up fast!!
-Second sign-up for a camping spot to the “Souther California Homebrew Festival” this year April 29th-30th. Also don’t forget to pay for a SoCal Homebrew association member ship and entry into the festival as well at We will have 6 campsites that can hold only 36 campers, we have around half the spots signed up so far.

Also do not forget to check out the latest Competition Corner News for all the upcoming entries that are due in the next week to the start of next month. So get those entries in!!!

See you all at Neil’s this Thursday, February 18th!


PG_FW Collab1 PG_FW Collab2




This is a final reminder that we need your help to make this a successful party.
We need FOOD, BEER, assorted EQUIPMENT, DONATIONS FOR FOOD & CLOTHING DRIVE, and VOLUNTEERS FOR setup and cleanup. See details below.

It is time for the Pacific Gravity and Culver City Homebrew Supply Shop annual holiday on Saturday, December 12, 2015 at Neil Saund’s party duplex. Neil’s address is:  12966 Rubens Ave. Los Angeles, CA. (It is the house on the corner of Alla Rd. and Rubens Ave.)
The party will kick off about 5:00 P.M.  This is one party not to be missed!


Although the club will be providing much of the main dishes, this is still a potluck party and YOUR favorite party dish will sure be appreciated!  The menu should mostly reflect past holiday parties featuring Carbonnades ala Flamande, prime rib ala BBQ, deep fried turkeys, spiced ham and much more! Suggestions would include any kind of main dish but especially all side dishes, veggie dishes, salads, desserts and appetizers. So, if you have a favorite family holiday recipe and want to share it with the rest of us, this is your chance!

Please let us know what you can bring! Also, contact us if you have any questions about what to bring!
Contact Club Chef Ian at: or Mimi at

The dinner portion of the event is scheduled for 7:30 PM.  There will little or no oven space available for reheating food, so please bring it ready to serve, not ready to cook!  Also, don’t forget to label your containers or anything you want back.


We set up the decorations and tree this last Sunday and installed 2 firepits so we NEED FIREWOOD!  If you can bring wood please do so!  It is forecasted to be cold on Saturday evening!

We could use a few more tables.

We also need jockey boxes and CO2 cylinders to help make sure all the beverages flow cold with perfect carbonation. We have more kegs than taps on the Wave, and the jockey boxes help out big time. Rumor has it we may need a few Sanke taps, so if you have one bring it along.

If at all possible, please bring your kegs and heavy stuff around noon on Saturday and help us set up. This makes the last minute activities at party time go much more smoothly. The early kegs get the best slots on the Wave. Make sure all your kegs, coolers, tanks and taps are well labeled so they all return to their rightful owners Sunday morning.

For equipment, please contact us: PG Board at or Mimi Bardet at and let us know what you can bring.

VOLUNTEERS needed for setup & cleanup
On Saturday, Dec 12th, starting at NOON, we need help with final setup at Neil’s duplex.

On Sunday, Dec 13th at 11 am, we need lots of people to help with clean up. The more we get the faster it goes.

If you’d like to volunteer for set up or clean up contact us: PG Board at
or Mimi Bardet at

It’s time to clean out your closets…Pacific Gravity is having a FOOD and CLOTHING DRIVE at our Holiday Party!  We will have boxes for any donations you can bring to the party.
For food, please bring any canned or non-perishable foods which will be donated to the Westside Food Bank. For clothes & other items, please see the detailed list below which will be donated to OPCC. They are mostly in need of men’s clothing in large sizes. Clothing can be “gently used” and should be clean.
Below is a list of items that we can always use:

Sweat socks – for men, women and children
Sweat shirts and pants for adults – all sizes especially larger sizes
Sneakers – men’s & women’s most needed
Shower shoes/thongs
Rain ponchos for adults & children
New underwear – men’s, women and children
Flannel and long sleeve shirts for adults

Personal & Household items
Hygiene Items
disposable razors
bar soap
hand & body lotion
sanitary napkins & tampons
Blankets (preferably wool)
Backpacks or duffel bags
Sleeping bags for adults
Diapers – all sizes
Bedding: Twin size sheets, comforters and pillows. Please note pillow must be new.

Gift Certificates
Supermarkets (Ralphs, Vons,Albertson’s)
Fast food restaurants
Book & music stores
Movie passes
Clothing stores, department stores (Marshalls, Target or Ross)

Art Supplies
Markers, finger paints, facepaints, crayons, watercolors, glue, glitter, collage materials, coloring books, activity books, stickers

Last but certainly not least is beer, got beer?  We need all types of beer, meads, cider and sodas for this event.  Pull out your favorite holiday beverage, dust off the bottle or keg and bring it down!  We’ll have the Wave of Beer set up to help dispense your holiday homebrews.  If you plan to bring beer, soda or other seasonally festive beverage, please contact Carl at: & let him know what you will bring. Note from Carl: Some of you had listed “TBD”, so if you know what it is, please send me an update. Everyone who signs up in advance will have a colorful tap tag.

Highlighting the evening will be the crowning of the Pacific Gravity Club Member of the Year, and awarding of the trophy for Brewer of the Year.
Santa is sure to make an appearance to give away lots of great door prizes (prize donations welcome).
All club members and their guests are welcome, so plan on joining us…Celebrate the season, good beer, good food and friends the Pacific Gravity way!


Please let us know what you can do to help.
We need FOOD, BEER, assorted EQUIPMENT, DONATIONS FOR FOOD & CLOTHING DRIVE, and VOLUNTEERS FOR setup and cleanup. See details below.

It is time for the Pacific Gravity and Culver City Homebrew Supply Shop annual holiday on Saturday, December 12, 2015 at Neil Saund’s party duplex.
The address is:  12966 Rubens Ave. Los Angeles, CA. (It is the house on the corner of Alla Rd. and Rubens Ave.)
The party will kick off about 5:00 P.M.  This is one party not to be missed!


Although the club will be providing much of the main dishes, this is still a potluck party and YOUR favorite party dish will sure be appreciated!  The menu should mostly reflect past holiday parties featuring Carbonnades ala Flamande, prime rib ala BBQ, deep fried turkeys, spiced ham and much more! Suggestions would include any kind of main dish but especially all side dishes, veggie dishes, salads, desserts and appetizers. So, if you have a favorite family holiday recipe and want to share it with the rest of us, this is your chance!

Please let us know what you can bring! Also, contact us if you have any questions about what to bring!
Contact Club Chef Ian at: or Mimi at

The dinner portion of the event is scheduled for 7:30 PM.  There will little or no oven space available for reheating food, so please bring it ready to serve, not ready to cook!  Also, don’t forget to label your containers or anything you want back.


We set up the decorations and tree this last Sunday and installed 2 firepits so we NEED FIREWOOD!  If you can bring wood please do so!  It is forecasted to be cold on Saturday evening!

We could use a few more tables.

We also need jockey boxes and CO2 cylinders to help make sure all the beverages flow cold with perfect carbonation. We have more kegs than taps on the Wave, and the jockey boxes help out big time. Rumor has it we may need a few Sanke taps, so if you have one bring it along.

If at all possible, please bring your kegs and heavy stuff around noon on Saturday and help us set up. This makes the last minute activities at party time go much more smoothly. The early kegs get the best slots on the Wave. Make sure all your kegs, coolers, tanks and taps are well labeled so they all return to their rightful owners Sunday morning.

For equipment, please contact us: PG Board at or Mimi Bardet at and let us know what you can bring.

VOLUNTEERS needed for setup & cleanup
On Saturday, Dec 12th, starting at NOON, we need help with final setup at Neil’s duplex.

On Sunday, Dec 13th at 11 am, we need lots of people to help with clean up. The more we get the faster it goes.

If you’d like to volunteer for set up or clean up contact us: PG Board at or Mimi Bardet at

It’s time to clean out your closets…Pacific Gravity is having a FOOD and CLOTHING DRIVE at our Holiday Party!  We will have boxes for any donations you can bring to the party.
For food, please bring any canned or non-perishable foods which will be donated to the Westside Food Bank. For clothes & other items, please see the detailed list below which will be donated to OPCC. They are mostly in need of men’s clothing in large sizes. Clothing can be “gently used” and should be clean.

Below is a list of items that we can always use:
Sweat socks – for men, women and children
Sweat shirts and pants for adults – all sizes especially larger sizes
Sneakers – men’s & women’s most needed
Shower shoes/thongs
Rain ponchos for adults & children
New underwear – men’s, women and children
Flannel and long sleeve shirts for adults

Personal & Household items
Hygiene Items
disposable razors
bar soap
hand & body lotion
sanitary napkins & tampons
Blankets (preferably wool)
Backpacks or duffel bags
Sleeping bags for adults
Diapers – all sizes
Bedding: Twin size sheets, comforters and pillows. Please note pillow must be new.

Gift Certificates
Supermarkets (Ralphs, Vons,Albertson’s)
Fast food restaurants
Book & music stores
Movie passes
Clothing stores, department stores (Marshalls, Target or Ross)

Art Supplies
Markers, finger paints, facepaints, crayons, watercolors, glue, glitter, collage materials, coloring books, activity books, stickers

Last but certainly not least is beer, got beer?  We need all types of beer, meads, cider and sodas for this event.  Pull out your favorite holiday beverage, dust off the bottle or keg and bring it down!  We’ll have the Wave of Beer set up to help dispense your holiday homebrews.  If you plan to bring beer, soda or other seasonally festive beverage, please contact Carl at: & let him know what you will bring. Note from Carl: Some of you had listed “TBD”, so if you know what it is, please send me an update. Everyone who signs up in advance will have a colorful tap tag.
Highlighting the evening will be the crowning of the Pacific Gravity Club Member of the Year, and awarding of the trophy for Brewer of the Year.
Santa is sure to make an appearance to give away lots of great door prizes (prize donations welcome).

All club members and their guests are welcome, so plan on joining us…Celebrate the season, good beer, good food and friends the Pacific Gravity way!